Can Parakeets Talk? 5 Key Steps for Success

Like all parrot species, the humble parakeet is driven by an instinctual need to communicate with the flock.

In the wild, this means imitating the sounds and signals of their feathered counterparts.

In captivity, human speech and the cacophony of their owner’s home environment become their soundboard.

Can parakeets talk? Parakeets can talk and are capable of amassing a wide vocabulary averaging 50-250 words when taught consistently from youth. Parakeets reproduce sounds via a complex organ structure, the syrinx, which is unique to birds. However, they can’t grasp word meaning as well as larger parrots species.

While parakeets are among the best talking birds on the planet (see our list of the best talking parrots here), it takes time to see results, and even then, individual personality and gender can impact their talking ability.

If you’re determined to raise a chatty companion, please read on.

We’ll cover exactly how parakeets can talk, their vocab proficiency, plus owner-backed tips for teaching them!

How & To What Extent Parakeets Can Talk

It may not seem like it, but when your parakeet greets you with a familiar human phrase, they are simply doing what they have evolved to do.

Zoologist Luis Villazon explains that brain scans of parrots “reveal a different structure compared to songbirds,” which has clued experts into how parakeets are so adept at vocal learning.

For centuries, parakeets have soaked up vocal cues from their immediate environment to help them determine flock from foe. 

Captive birds have learned to apply this same survival instinct while living with their human “flock.” Interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s delve deeper into the talking capability of parakeets.

Parakeet Talking Ability Explained

Parakeets do not “talk” in the true sense as we do because, despite their recognizable repetitions of “Hello!” or “Good Morning!” parakeets don’t have vocal cords.

Instead, the illusion of speech is created by an organ at the base of their windpipe known as a syrinx.

When parakeets contract their pectoral and stomach muscles, air flowing via their air sacs can be manipulated within this narrow syrinx passage.

Inner membranes of the organ vibrate and direct air over their windpipe in a manner that creates various tones and sounds.

How Well Can Parakeets Talk?

Parakeets are impressive talkers in terms of their vocabulary potential and their ability to recognize the context of certain words and phrases based on their tone.

However, they cannot hold back-and-forth conversation as skillfully as African grey parrots, for example, who are known to possess the intelligence of a five-year-old child.

We explain more about parrots’ ability to speak and address the issue of whether or not they understand what they say in this article.

How Many Words Can a Parakeet Learn?

Depending on the breed and the level of interaction with their owners, parakeets can learn on average between 50 and 250 words, but they have been known to amass even larger vocabularies.

In 1995, Puck the Parakeet of Petaluma, California was acknowledged in the Guinness Book of World Records as “Bird with the Largest Vocabulary in the World” – an astonishing 1,728 words!

Do Parakeets Understand Words?

Avian experts estimate that parakeets and parrots generally do not understand the meaning of most words, but they do learn to make connections to the relation and framework surrounding certain words and phrases.

If your parakeet greets you with “How are you?” when you arrive home, for example, it is less an inquiry into your health than a recognition that your entrance is associated with this or similar phrasing.

Harvard-based research scientist and life-long parrot lover Dr. Irene Pepperberg notes that:

They [parakeets] know what they are saying if they are taught appropriately.

So a parakeet trained in identifying a favorite food or toy will develop an understanding of certain words.

Do Male or Female Parakeets Talk More?

As is the case for most bird species, male parakeets tend to make more noise than females due to their need to attract female attention.

The consensus among parakeet owners on this forum appears to be that males are more playful and outgoing compared to docile females and will often learn to talk faster too.

For this reason, potential parakeet trainers may want to consider getting a young male.

How Long Does It Take a Parakeet To Learn To Talk?

Some parakeets learn to talk as early as a few weeks of being trained, while others may take up to a year or more.

The rate at which they pick up words will depend on your training method and consistency.

Be sure to teach them from around 3-4 months and begin by repeating your word or phrase as often as possible throughout the day with enthusiasm.

If you get discouraged, teaching your parakeet to whistle (learn how here) offers a gateway into mimicking other sounds.

What Are the Easiest Words To Teach a Parakeet?

Here are a few simple starter words:

  • “Hello”
  • “Bye-Bye”
  • “Kiss”
  • “Picnic”
  • “Cutie”
  • “Sweet”

Bear in mind that parakeets find hard consonant sounds beginning with K and C much easier to mimic than softer sounds, such as words beginning in H and N.

Vet technician Alyson Kalhagen recommends using your parakeet’s name as an excellent starting point.

Training Your Parakeet To Talk: 5 Tips for Success

A woman speaking to two parakeets, on green and one blue, perched on her hands.

1. Establish Your Bird’s Strengths & Limitations

Before placing too much expectation on your bird, it’s helpful to remember that not all parakeets are equally talkative.

Bear in mind that the following factors will influence their learning ability:

  • Age Beyond 6 months old, training them to speak and mimic sounds is possible, but progress can be slower because they may be stubborn and mistrustful compared to a younger, malleable parakeet.
  • Sex – Males are the known talkers, singers, and mimics, so don’t feel discouraged if your hen parakeet requires greater patience. If your female only ever learns one phrase, the bonding and communication rewards are still there.
  • Socialization level – Your parakeet will open up to their human flock if they are conditioned to your company from an early age. Socialization from the get-go will put them at greater ease and increase the chances of imitating noises and voices.

2. Ensure They Are Happy in Their Environment

Unhappy humans tend to withdraw and feel less talkative, so consider that your parakeet will too be unmotivated if they feel unfulfilled or unwell.

As well as the basics like supplying enough food and water, make sure they feel appreciated and are mentally challenged by their environment.

Provide them with a large enough cage for flight and fill it with a variety of fun and stimulating toys.

Give them a fruit or veggie treat 2-3 times a week, and get them outside their cage for 2 hours a day for quality time with you.

3. Timing Your Training Is Everything

Parakeets are more receptive to learning and taking in new information early in the morning.

So once they have had their morning feed, this is the perfect time to pencil in the first 15-minute training session of the day (3-4 daily sessions is recommended).

A full night’s rest and a satiated appetite will ensure your bird is at its most energized and alert.

Early morning training is especially vital if they are not in a pair as they will lack much-needed interaction to “kickstart” their social skills for the day ahead.

4. Simple, Slow & Repetitive Practice Makes Perfect

Pick out a simple word with as few syllables as possible that begin with b, d, k, p, and t and be prepared to repeat this like a broken record.

It may take as long as 8-12 weeks for a single word to sink in, so don’t overload them with too many words in this period.

Saying “Hi” and “Bye” is still encouraged as you come and go, as well as chatting to them generally, but limit their training word to one at a time.

Many parakeet owners advocate the use of voice recordings so you can leave yourself with them throughout the day.

However, this is no substitute for being face-to-face with them if you want them to mimic with true tone and intention.

5. Reward & Reinforce Learning With Treats

As your parakeet shows progress, let them know they’re doing a great job with occasional treats and new toys.

Presenting them with a piece of fruit or shiny new cage toy as they learn reinforces their behavior and tells them “I’m doing something positive.”

Mix up food and toy treats with the biggest treat of all to your parakeet – allowing them extra time outside their cage with you.

Gradually, this persistent routine of early training, repetition, and reward can be a successful recipe for training your parakeet to talk – provided they have every reason to feel happy, healthy, and comfortable.

How Parakeets Communicate 

Parakeets will use a mix of body language and vocalizations to reveal their needs or simply express their current mood.

As social flock animals, your parakeet’s instinct is to tweet, chirp, and sing in your direction to invite a response and feel cemented within the group.

How Parakeets Communicate With Each Other

Happy and contented parakeets will typically sing and chirp in the presence of their cage fellows to signal a desire to socialize with one another.

These are often accompanied by physical gesturing which we’ll discuss further on, but a lot can be learned from the way they “talk” with each other in a noncaptive setting.

Upon observing parakeet flocks in the wild, parrot intelligence researcher and communicator Ryan B. Reynolds noted that:

…their seemingly chaotic squawks overlapping each other actually revealed a sophisticated pattern of speech and conversational ability that may explain why parakeets are adept at absorbing human vocalizations.

Reynolds also shared that:

[The parakeets were] able to send and receive information simultaneously, even understanding more than one bird at the same time using different dialects.

He noted that this complex communication style is “what has enabled [parakeets] to learn the human language so quickly in a domesticated environment.”

Common Parakeet Sounds & Their Meanings

Parakeet Behavior

In conjunction with their various vocal expressions, parakeets commonly exhibit the following physical movements and gestures to convey their emotional state.


Head-bobbing is commonly used to signal hunger, though it may be used for different purposes.

Between two parakeets of the same sex, head-bobbing can simply be a sociable greeting, but more timid parakeets (often females) tend to reserve their head-bobbing movements solely to signal an interest in mating.


Parakeets will show their affection to one another by regurgitating food into their mate’s mouth, on their favorite toy, and even on you.

As unwelcome as the sight may be to us, regurgitation is an act of love and attachment.

Flapping Wings 

This is commonly done while hovering above their perch to stretch and “warm up” their wings after a long period of rest.

If they flap their wings while chirping, they may be trying to get your attention in regards to their food/water needs or simply because they desire interaction with you.

Related Questions:

How Do I Know If My Parakeet Is Happy?

A happy parakeet will normally express contentment by singing, chirping, and exhibiting generally playful body language (jumping, head-bobbing etc).

Parakeets equally express their happiness in non-interactive ways such as preening and grooming themselves, playing with their favorite toy, or grinding their beaks.

Why Is My Parakeet Chirping Softly?

Parakeets will make a soft chirping sound, like a low chatter, when they are feeling relaxed and content.

This could be while they are listening to music or preening themselves in preparation for sleep.

If they are especially quiet, this may be because they are still testing the waters of their surroundings.

What’s the Best Age To Buy a Parakeet?

16 weeks or younger is an ideal age to buy a parakeet, especially if you wish to train one to talk.

At 3-4 months, parakeets are fast learners and easier to tame, making it more likely that a bond can develop.

Try to buy directly from a breeder who has hand-fed them so they can adapt well to another caregiver.


To summarize, most parakeets enjoy “talking” because they are highly social flock animals.

Their unique avian vocal organ means their speech is not always clear or precise, but with time and persistence, they can adopt human words and sounds into their daily chatter.

Factors of age, sex, and tameness can determine how simple it will be to teach them, though any healthy and happy parakeet is a good candidate for speech training.
