How Do Parrots Show Affection? 20 Definite Signs of Love

Parrots are fascinating birds and are adorable to have as pets. They are super intelligent and awesomely beautiful with striking colors.

Did you know that these birds are excellent at expressing their feelings?

Whether angry, hungry, afraid, or excited, they will let you know. Just like humans, they can also be affectionate.

But, how do parrots show affection?

Well, here’s 20 things that your parrot does to show it likes you.

Read through to discover all the ways your parrot is trying to express its love.

1. It Loves To Cuddle With You

Being predatory birds, parrots are highly protective of their personal spaces and sensitive body parts. As a result, they don’t easily trust people.

Cuddling is a way of showing affection to people very close to them.

If your parrot loves to cuddle, it’s an indication that it trusts you enough to get that close. As such, trust from these prey animals is a big show of affection.

Therefore, if your parrot climbs on your body, rubs against your neck, or nuzzles against your hand, you are on its good side.

Besides building up the bond they share with you, parrots also cuddle to get warmth.

Wondering when you will begin to see signs of affection from your young parrot? I was too.

In a recent interview with Jenny from Midwest Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital, I asked at what age do parrots begin to show affection.

The following is a summary of her answer:

This varies greatly according to breed and environment. Some parrots may be affectionate before they reach 1 year old, while for others, sexual maturity is when affectionate behavior is first clearly noted.

2. It Sleeps on You

Sleeping places any prey animal in a highly susceptible position.

That’s why parrots are always on the lookout for anything that might harm them. Some even sleep with their eyes open.

As such, it’s a big show of love if your parrot sleeps on you or in your presence. This sweet gesture demonstrates the level of trust your bird has in you.

It implies that your pet is relaxed enough to let go of its guard and believes in you to take care of it.

Consider yourself adored if your bird loves to nap on you as parrots don’t fall asleep on just anyone.

3. It Regurgitates Its Food for You

Disgusting, right?

As offensive as this sounds, parrots use this odd behavior to show love and affection to their owners. They also do this to other birds in the flock as a demonstration of trust and respect. 

So whenever your bird regurgitates, rather than being offended, you should consider yourself lucky.

That’s because parrots do this only when they are entirely at ease in their surroundings.

It’s an indication that you are among its favorite people. It simply means that they view you as their own.

Acts such as head pets or playing with a specific toy often triggers regurgitation as well. 

4. It Gives You a Jealousy Nip

Biting is a common way for parrots to express aggression in everyday situations. However, a parrot will also nip at you to exhibit affection. 

In this case, it’s an indication of love and jealousy, particularly if you aren’t paying attention or your attention is on something or someone else.

In this case, your pet bird sees other people or animals as a distraction or threat.

Parrots are quite picky on whom they choose to shower their affection. As such, biting in this way is a symbol of love.

If you are fortunate enough to capture your bird’s heart, you will be showered with an endless display of affection.

5. It Kisses You

Girl Getting Kiss From Parakeet

Yes, you read that right.

Even though they don’t have lips to pucker, parrots can also kiss. Interesting, huh?

A parrot kisses by placing its beak against your face, around the cheeks, or on the lips.

This can be accompanied with some soft bites or nibbles. During a kiss, some parrots stick out their tongues and lick their owners.

These pet birds save their affection for those with whom they have a strong tie. They may, therefore, fail to kiss other people even if they are friendly with them. 

A parrot can kiss you to get your attention, groom you, or imitate learned human behavior. 

6. It Contact Calls You

Wondering how this is possible?

Just like humans, birds also get concerned about the safety and well-being of their loved ones. 

The contact call is among the fascinating actions in which parrots engage. It entails the bird making a short squawk or a scream to locate its family members.

As an owner, you are part of its family, and your bird will develop a contact call just for you. Whenever you are out of sight, it will call out to make sure you are safe.

If your bird does this when you are out of sight, it’s a show of love for you.

7. It Purrs, Coos, or Sings for You

Birds like making a lot of noises, and parrots are no exception. However, different sounds imply different things when directed towards you.

Whenever your feathered friend wants to show you affection, it will vocalize that desire. This is demonstrated by singing or whistling when it’s happy.

Even though the bird may sing to show off its abilities, it can also utilize this to get your attention.

In this case, it attempts to express its affection for you by recalling positive memories you share.

Purring isn’t a common method of communication, but when it does happen, it usually means they’re happy.

8. It Flaps Its Tail

Just like a dog wags its tail in a show of happiness, parrots can flap their tails up and down for the same reason.

If your pet bird waves its tail feathers when you enter a room, it’s an indication that it is delighted to see you and has taken a fancy to you.

Tail wagging can be equated to giggling in human beings.

If you’re playing with your parrot, it’ll wag its tail as an indication that everything is well and as a sign of its eagerness to play and interact with you or get pets.

9. It Flaps Its Wings

While parrots flap their wings to fly and maintain balance, they can also utilize wing flapping as a means of communication.

If a parrot flaps its wings while remaining in a stationary position, it may be a sign of happiness and a good indicator of their affection for you.

Wing flapping is an excitement gesture that indicates that your bird is overjoyed to see you. Furthermore, your parrot can beat its wings to attract your attention. 

Don’t be hesitant to show your pet some affection if you witness it flapping its wings eagerly, though this can also be a form of exercise for some parrots.

10. It Flies Right to You

Parrots are highly finicky birds.

As such, if your bird has a habit of flying only to you once you open its cage, it undoubtedly loves you. How lucky you are!

This is particularly true if it comes to you on its own without you summoning it. 

Even though your feathered friend may also like other people in the house, if it consistently flies to you first, this is because you are its favorite person.

By flying to you, your bird attempts to get your attention. 

Since it loves your company, landing on your shoulder implies its desire to spend some quality time together.

11. It Grooms You

Parrot Grooming Its Owner

While in the wild, parrots pair with and preen each other. This is a technique that these birds use to keep their feathers clean and healthy.

Domesticated parrots employ this method on the people with whom they have close bonds.

So if your bird chews on your head, hair, beard, ear, or clothing, it’s an indication of how fond it is of you. It’s grooming you the way it would groom its mates.

Most owners like this grooming behavior, but if you dislike it, just get your bird off your hair and engage it in something else. The new activity will rid preening from its mind.

12. It Flashes and Pins Its Eyes

Unlike humans whose eyes only dilate in response to light or darkness, parrots can control their pupils. For example, they can flash or pin their pupils to reflect their mood.

When a parrot flashes, its pupil widens, and when pinning, the pupil narrows. This is an insinuation of the bird’s affection for you.

Take a keen note of your parrot’s eyes when you get close to it.

If the pupils widen, this is a signal of its enthusiasm and joy; it’s expressing its delight in seeing you.

However, pay attention as dilation can also be an indication of stress or anxiety.

13. It Moves Its Mouth and Tongue

Besides generating enough noise to get you up in the morning, a parrot also uses its mouth to make nonverbal communication.

It utilizes behaviors like beak fluttering or grinding and tongue movement to show you it’s enjoying your company.

Tongue wagging allows your bird to relax and show you it’s at ease in your presence. It’s also a way to demonstrate its happiness.

If you notice a lot of tongue movement and beak fluttering from your parrot, it is simply trying to show you contentment and affection.

Don’t hesitate to give it a warm cuddle in appreciation given parrots’ picky nature.

14. It Hangs Upside Down

You don’t need to panic when you find your bird hanging upside down as this is entirely normal behavior.

Parrots often take this position when playing, sleeping, drinking, or eating.

But, when your bird hangs upside down in your presence, that’s a good sign that it feels comfortable with you around.

Given the vulnerability this position puts them in the wild, it speaks of incredible comfort and trust when a pet parrot engages in this behavior.

This, in essence, implies that the bird feels safe with you. Happiness and contentment are even more evident if it plays upside down. 

15. It Chatters at You

Unlike talking, chattering does not always involve the use of words. Instead, it can be quiet and seem like a purr.

Regardless of the form it takes, it’s usually a good sign if a parrot is doing it in your company.

It’s common for wild birds to chatter or attempt to interact with others in the flock before falling asleep.

In the same manner, if your parrot is chattering at you, it’s likely attempting to make connections or interact with you, which is always a good indication.

You should thus reciprocate, and show it your affection.

16. It Wants To Play With You

It’s not common for parrots to desire play when they are ill at ease. These birds will only want to play when they are entirely comfortable with their surroundings.

As such, you will never find parrots perching with strangers around because they don’t feel safe.

Therefore, you should consider yourself loved if your bird is attempting to play with you. It means they feel entirely secure and at ease enough to want to be near you. 

It is a lovely demonstration of a liking for you. Ensure you create the right environment that allows your parrot to make connections with you.

17. It Stretches Its Wing Toward You

Blue and Gold Macaw Stretching Its Wings

For parrots that are unable to express themselves verbally, their body language can do the trick. For example, parrots can use their wings to portray affection to their owners.

When a parrot spreads one wing in your direction, it’s a good sign that they are delighted to see you.

Curling the claw or lengthening the leg are some of the activities included in this motion.

Irrespective of how the bird expresses its delight, an open wing in your direction is a sure way of letting you know of their pleasure in seeing you.

Isn’t it a great feeling to be loved by your feathered pet?

18. It Blushes

Have you noticed your parrot blushing from time to time? Don’t be surprised as this is not uncommon.

Blushing isn’t a reserve for humans only. Birds can and will do it too. Of course, not all parrots blush, but some do so for varied reasons. 

Generally, blushing conveys a parrot’s feelings. They may do this to indicate happiness, amusement, or fright. It mostly happens when the owner is actively interacting with their pets.

To be able to identify the precise meaning of your bird’s blushing, you must keep a keen eye on other body languages as well as other communication forms.

19. It Follows You Around

Has your pet bird been following you around the house too much lately?

If yes, congratulations. You’ve just won yourself a great friendship. This action is an indication that your parrot loves you and enjoys your company.

If this happens often, it could be a sign that it has chosen you as its partner forever.

In this scenario, you should consider yourself quite fortunate because you have made a genuine lifelong buddy.

20. It Bites Others

Although not the best way (and should be discouraged entirely), parrots can attack others to show their affection.

If your parrot attempts to bite other people or animals who try to interact with you, it’s most likely because they are possessive of you.

These birds are known to form profound bonds with a single individual and hate it when other people or animals seem to take attention away from them. 

This makes them jealous, and as a result, they exhibit hostile conduct toward others. This undesirable behavior indicates your pet bird’s affection for you.


There you have it. Twenty ways through which parrots show their affection.

Most of these ways are similar to those exhibited by humans like you and me. Isn’t that amazing?

Many of these actions can also indicate things other than love.

It is, therefore, necessary to be keen in learning your parrot’s body language in order to understand the precise meaning of their actions.

That being said, parrots are excellent at expressing their likes and dislikes. It’s hence crucial that you heed their needs.

So, how does your parrot show love? Kindly let us know what we’ve left out.