Red-Bellied Parrot 101 – Size, Lifespan, Diet, Cage

Red Bellied Parrot At Zoo

The Red-Bellied Parrot is considered to be the best talkers and most outgoing of the Poicephalus Species.  Their vocabulary can become immense and they are never shy about telling strangers all the words that they know.  (A prime example of why we should only use “good” words around our fids.  Like others in this Order … Read more

Parrot Lifespan Comparison – How Long Do Parrots Live?

Two Large Parrots Fighting

Understanding A Parrots Average Life Span So you’ve made the decision to enrich your life with a feathered friend. Parrots are unique among pet birds in that they have the potential to be with you for your entire life. A parrot’s life span in captivity is considerably shorter than his potential life span. This is … Read more